Back To SADD Survival Guide

By Anonymous (not verified) teens, alcohol, substance abuse, driving, highway safety, survival guide With 0 Comments

Hello everyone!

Can you believe that some of you are in the last week of your first quarter of the 2020-2021 school year? It's hard for us to believe too!

We know this year is an unusual one, to say the least. But at SADD, we are constantly working to develop programs, resources and information for you and your students. In fact, we developed the Back To SADD Survival Guide to help you and your SADD engaged students to learn more about being a SADD Advisor at our Advisor Academy. how to access and utilize FREE chapter resources, a quick start guide to getting your chapter rolling in the virtual classroom, easy activity and event ideas (even in the virtual world), and guidance on how students can run their own events from home.

Social connection is an absolute must for students who are in a hybrid or distance learning environment due to the pandemic. Student leaders also need opportunities to continue their success by gaining leadership experience and tools. And the issues of substance use, including alcohol, may be more prevalent now due to the social isolation and stress that teens are experiencing.

For more information, follow us on InstaGram, Twitter and Facebook. For a more direct response, reach out to me at

Make no mistake, our California SADD team is here and ready to help.

Thanks so much,

Lynne Brown
California State Manager

Thursday, October 15, 2020