- 916.905.1137
- jwatts@sadd.org
Work with law enforcement officials to create a plan to make highways safer.
After setting goals for traffic safety improvement in your immediate area, meet with local government and law enforcement officials to develop a Safety Performance Plan to implement in your region.
Signup Instructions:
1. Coordinate a meeting with local law enforcement officials to discuss your traffic safety goals for the immediate future.
2. Draft a Safety Performance Plan.
3. Document pledges for the Plan to be upheld by local officials.
To Get Your Points:
1. Request that law enforcement officials approve and sign your Safety Performance Plan.
2. Click on "Submit Your Points."
3. Upload a signed copy of the document to the program website.
**Note -- Points for all award levels will be counted instantaneously, but the Gold Award will not be granted until a participating school has earned the Bronze and Silver Awards!**